Look at that! This is why we love Kyle so much. Even though at the beginning he began with subtitles and very high standards to be with OUR Maci, i think i speak for lots of us when i say he's a heart throb. The lines he pulls out and the choices he makes truly makes me melt on the inside!
However a recent article from HollyBaby.com reveled that they think that Kyle may be Bent’s dad. Firstly, as much as i love the little sound of 'Ky!' coming out of Bentley's mouth, his bond with Ryan (he's true father) is something special, not to be over looked despite the close knit family of Kyle, Maci and Bentley.
Secondly, dont these people watch the show! Last season in the never before seen moments we saw the interesting conversation between Maci and her friend when she told Maci that Kyle's mom took a paternity test between Bent and Kyle, only to find it negative. So rumour squashed! The happy little family + Ryan and he's odd but brief relationships continues!
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