Amber: Gary and Amber are way to back and forth. It really hit me this week how bad it is. Cute little Leah broke my heart when she called out Amber! at the phone. It seems like Gary is bad guy good guy and it changes every week. And the con
doms on the floor, new level of disgusting.

Cate: This week was very emotional. I was shocked to think that an adoption would close, i cant imagine that after having contact for such a long time. Paige was a really strong (and pretty) girl who makes me realise how far Cate has come in her decision, makes me a little proud really. Im so thankful for retreats like that for the people who have made such a hard decision.

Maci: Maci's section was a little different this week. It
just seemed like all they did was go back and forth for Bentley. My new least favourite person however is Ryan's mother, if he's to lazy to want to get custody for He's kid, dont make him. Its just plain stupid. Poor Kyle seems to have reached he's limit with giving a child he loves away all the time, their connection is so amazing.

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