Farrah: Farrah needs to be nice, if she sighed or rolled her eyes one more time i would've lost it. I really do want to like her but she has this attitude. Even at her dinner she couldn't take people being nice, ' i'm proud of you Farrah'- her mom, 'yeah, we'll see', um NO! she is proud, that wasn't a question... Anyways Sophia was cute and pretty well behaved, her mom she take some hints...

Amber: Amber seriously has issues bonding with houses, its like she's a house hopper, there is a new one every episode! Amber's mom seems to think everything will just be fine and danny and lollipops, i dont think sooo seeing as she has been in rehab since then. Bless Gary though, what a dad, he really is thinking of Amber while parenting Leah. Leah takes the cute award for todays ep, 'shoes' nearly broke my heart and miss princess, priceless. I do sort of feel for Amber but she just needs to calm down and be herself, stop sharing issues with everyone and have fun.

Cate: Despite Cate and Ty not keeping Carly, they seem to do a fine job of parenting Cate's little brother, Nick. It really seems like life is on track for them, Ty's LOVE for pizza seems incredible while Cate brings MTV publicity to a little jewellery boutique. Ty's mom's overwhelming pride of Ty makes me wish that the whole family was like that, then maybe Carly could still be around. Never the less, Cate and Ty continue being cute and Cate literally throws a cat! (dunno if you saw that :/)

Maci: Miss Maci, oh deary me, what an episode for her. Firstly, she is trying to talk to Ryan while he yawns enough to hyperventilate, a slight problem seeing he's about to have a 2 year old to entertain. I dunno about you but when he spat on the ground while talking to Maci, i was ready to hold her back, what a jerk! However upon seeing he's parents, you can see where he gets it. Apparently, Ryan was 'ripping he's mothers guts out', a very halloween themed visual dont you think. But honestly, of course he doesnt get Bentley much, he's unstable and immature. Finally the party makes you feel all warm and happy for Maci and Kyle while Sharon is being a stella grandmother. All in all, Ryan is just Ryan and Maci is trying to get the most out of time with her son.

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