Maci: Maci contemplates not starting another semester of school because she wants to be home with Bentley. Ryan's work has an open position and he offers Kyle the job. When Maci tells her mom she states what we are all thinking, 'thats the weirdest thing i've ever heard'. Kyle doesn't accept it, thank goodness. Imagine that drama, wow.
Amber: Gary sent Amber 5 dozen roses while Clinton was there, Gary called and Clinton flipped a lid on Gary, and i mean really flipped it... There was mention of a cage, slightly concerning really. Amber mourns the anniversary loss of her little sister who passed away 15 years go from SIDS, something not easy considering the uncertainly of her having Leah around. Amber wanted to have Gary, Leah and her put a tree up together but Gary did most of it without her, but Amber comes over to help finish it. Gary then comforts Amber as she deals with the pain from losing her sister, it was a very sweet moment, i want them together!
Farrah: Farrah takes her parents to Arazona to look at houses, Farrah's mom does the opposite of what Farrah wants, she takes Farrah to houses and apartments that she can't afford. Her mom is putting down the part of town Farrah wants to live in. Farrah has this confused face that makes me angry, if you dont want to be treated like a child, stop having tantrums like one! Her mom is being so snobby about the houses. The house isn't even that bad and her mom is saying it's a "hell hole" "ugly" "horrifying". Farrah's dad tries to calm everyone down and be the mediator and he get's told off. God seems to be a key part of this family, everyone seems to be talking about Him, whist little Sophia even looks frustrated. Michael tells off Farrah, & Farrah continues to give attitude. Farrah is just immature and ridiculous really, why try and fight the little help you are getting? She brings up counseling and her dad agrees to go so they can work on communication.
Cate: Cate's dad called and he said he's coming to Michigan (They haven't seen each other for 4 years) Her dad has a job opportunity there. Her dad is the TOTAL opposite of her mom, but i can totally see how she looks like him a little. It makes me wonder if she lived with Him, could she have kept Carly? Her dad completely accepts Tyler, saying he'd be grateful to have a son in law like Tyler, nawwww. He gets kind of emotional when looking at pictures of Carly but he is SO supportive of the adoption, it really shows where Cate gets her morals from.
-Amanda & Sarah
Hey awesome followers! So i've been pretty busy with school at the moment so i enlisted Amanda to help me! She's a great writter and friend. From now on we will write our names on the end of the article so you know who to thank/love :) Hope you all are well, and remember anything to share tweet me @sarahjanegirl :) Thank youuu Sarah
As many of you remember Yolanda from the season finale of 16 & Pregnant. Allie Mendoza's episode. (She's the one who flipped a lid over a banana) She went to rehab before baby Aydenn was born and it looked as if she was still clean for awhile after. But here it is 8 months later, is she clean now? We asked Joey and he honestly doesn't know. He has zero contact with his mom, his sisters and brothers don't see her either. By the looks of things, I'd say she isn't clean. Just because if she was, I wouldn't find a reason for her children not to live with her. The good thing, Yolanda has stopped harassing Allie with threats, although she continues to run her mouth on Facebook. Oh well, Allie knows what's best for Aydenn and they are going to court in the middle of September so Joey can set up visitation and so Allie can get Child Support. The two are now being civil with one another for the sake of baby Aydenn.
It almost makes me ashamed to write about Heather but i thought i'd update you all on the deal with her and our tm and tm2 girls. Kail jumped on her chat last night to reveal this little gem (courtesy of more like P.S im a stalker of teen moms)  Interesting, very interesting. As i mentioned before, Kail no longer follows Heather and Heather doesnt know her number. Personally i think this is a good thing, basing a carer on tm seems a little silly and she was starting to get a little creepy. It'll be interesting to see where she goes from here.
 Miss Houska is the big 2 0 today! Im sure today will be filled with leopard print, Aubry snuggles and a date with the girls. Chelsea has been working her butt off recently, loving the single life and having pleanty of girl time. Hopefully this next year will be amazing for her. Happy birthday!!
Miss Kail has provided us with a lot of interesting bits and pieces. First, its official that Jordan is out of the picture, for reasons not specified, the couple had a slightly nasty break up, seeing Jordan posting a lot of very pointed tweets and status'. The face he had that type of reaction really does show he's not right for he, immaturity and a baby, not a good combo. After all of Kail's jet setting to L.a, Texas and Vegas, she's home and starting a new job at Buckle soon. But the most exciting news, Mike is on the scene! He's a sweet and a pretty damn good looker who seems to make Kail melt. He's met Isaac and seems to be fitting into the little 'family' quite well, getting the approval of Jo. Mike even said that after a little spill the other day at the mall, Isaac ran right to Mike! Nawww. As usual, Kail is unable to make any huge statements about her personal life, but i think we can bet the two are officially dating :) With all of this personal stuff going on, it seems Kail is learning who her true friends are. This week saw Kail getting a new phone, carefully selecting which numbers to keep and delete, and also going through her followers, leaving behind Heather Clouse, personally a good decision i think. All in all Kail has been rather busy, new back at school her time with Isaac is precious as he's growing up fast, forming whole sentences and just being hilarious. Gotta love Kail Lowry :)
So i've never really had a negative thought about Heather until a couple of weeks ago... First it starts with her negative thoughts on Jenelle, i mean yes she makes bad choices but all she needs is support. Exposing her court dates and ex boyfriends ploys to get back her is not helpful or really anyones business. Now, its the holes in her stories that leave me with questions, she just doesn't know everything yet pretends too. Like a recent story said that Kail didn't have an iphone meaning the fact her tweet was sent from an iphone meant she was hacked.. but Kail has an iphone now, if she was her best friend shouldn't she know that? The fact its her 'job' to write is silly, you kinda have to write well first. So thats my rant and my opinion, love it or hate it.
Yep after some sneaking around on Nathan's part, involving the use of the very manly COD, Megan and Nathan have decided to split. Hopefully this works out the best for little Blake and that Megan will be able to investigate her independence.
It seems like Jenelle has had enough of the bad press and trying to prevent what she can. A recent tweet from Jenelle saw her worning the other Tm2 girls ' u should block that heather clouse chick she's gettin all her stories from our twitters to start shit' Seems like Jenelle is really just trying her best to do the right thing and any bad press isnt helping. Heather should really think about encouraging the girls and not critiquing their every more, only helping the haters
 No one can really be sure. Cause of Kail's silly contract, nothing can declared fact BUT after their very cute Stickam appearance the other night, it seems like something might be going on. Kail has been criticised for flirting with mike for sometime but frankly im team #mike&kail. They are very cute friends if thats all it is, but i secretly hope its more :)
So im thinking of starting a section on this blog for teen mommas to share their stories. It would be a video based thing :) If you're interested jump on stickam and see if i'm there and have a chat :) www.stickam.com/sarahjanegirl
Megan tweeted about trying to watch the Little Mermaid with Blake while he cried about it not being boy enough! Looks like Megan might need to be hoping for a little girl with her next bundle of joy if she wants any girl time in the near future. I love Megan, she really enjoys every second with her little family and makes me laugh!
And its all over, just like that. It seems like Farrah questions his intentions for the relationship, something that is always going to be difficult for Farrah for all her life because of he appearance on teen mom. They were really cute together though! and it also poses the question as to whether its good for Sophia to have men in and out of her life. I wouldn't be surprised if he's back at a later point but for now its all over for Dan and Farrah.
 Yep! Leah is starting school finally. She is attending University of Charleston to study nursing, something matching her caring nature. Looks like she's decided to move past everything with Corey and get life on the straight and narrow.
Would anyone like to do a stickam and have questions answered about teen mom? Tweet me at @sarahjanegirl or comment on this post if your interested :)
 So Farrah is writting a book, 240 pages to be exact. Its available on Amazon for pre order. This isnt the cover but i liked the one from Sarcasm so i copied it. Hopefully it wont be a whole lot of whinging and provide some insight into her and Derick's relationship.
I did stickam with Kail today while she was in Vegas! Kail has been having so much fun with Tori and Tarah and even got a visit from Ashley from 16 and pregnant! Kail and the girls laughed through the whole chat and even called some lucky fans! Im so grateful to have such a good friend in Kail, someone who appreciates support and gives back to us all.
While Momma is away letting off some steam and Dad is recovering from a recently illness, Isaac is staying with Juniors Girlfriend and her little girl Remi. Seems like this little guy has learnt how to charm the ladies pretty early, knowing the key to a girls heart is a kiss on the forehead. p.s. he's my favourite little boy out.
 Oh deary me. According to reports Gary hired strippers from 1am till 12 noon to 'let off some steam'. However there are conflicting reports as to when this took place. It if was anytime recently then that changes things, Amber is in rehab meaning Gary has sole custody, hmm where was Miss Leah then? But if it was some time ago it could mean Leah was with Amber. Im sure Amber isnt happy to see this but judgements can't go to far after her nude photo's some time ago. Either way its pretty gross to see this, he is a father who seems to go back and forth in his love for Amber. Frankly, i hope this is old and he's cleaned up his act.
Kail has been there not even 48 hours and has taken so many photos, not that im complaining. Nice to see her with such a big smile on her face, having fun. Bless Toni and Tarah and others on the trip for being such amazing friends. Continue to have fun Kail while we are all Jealous!  Praying to Buddha, wonder what her prayer was?
 Just tweeting us all :)  With Tarah  With Toni
 Yay! Together at last. Toni, Tarah and Kail met this afternoon at the airport and im sure they are already having fun. Jordan is not attending cause he knew that Kail needed some girl time and he couldn't get time off work. More updates to come.
 Jo took himself to the emergency room early this morning and was diagnosed with a viral infection. Isaac is staying with Juniors girl friend and her little girl. Get well soon Jo! Thinking of you!
Amber: Gary and Amber are way to back and forth. It really hit me this week how bad it is. Cute little Leah broke my heart when she called out Amber! at the phone. It seems like Gary is bad guy good guy and it changes every week. And the con doms on the floor, new level of disgusting.  
Cate: This week was very emotional. I was shocked to think that an adoption would close, i cant imagine that after having contact for such a long time. Paige was a really strong (and pretty) girl who makes me realise how far Cate has come in her decision, makes me a little proud really. Im so thankful for retreats like that for the people who have made such a hard decision.
Maci: Maci's section was a little different this week. It
just seemed like all they did was go back and forth for Bentley. My new least favourite person however is Ryan's mother, if he's to lazy to want to get custody for He's kid, dont make him. Its just plain stupid. Poor Kyle seems to have reached he's limit with giving a child he loves away all the time, their connection is so amazing. Farrah: Sophia really came out of her shell this week. I think it's well know that two year olds cant keep secrets though. And the dog and the toilet,ah no was not going to happen. ever. Its an animal Farrah, they just don't get it. But yay to finishingschool for her, hopefully onto good things next week.
I have been chatting to Jo tonight about everything and anything. From looking at the show it really does show him in one light, harsh and nasty but the only mean thing he's said to me tonight was trick me into thinking Isaac likes hunting. Im that silly to think its true but it was pretty funny, he's a one year old. Anyway this blog was just to say once again, Jo goes alright.
I freaked out this morning when Kail's nice and possitive tweets didnt appear on my timeline but after speaking to her she assured me that all is ok! Kail deleted all her tweets to have a fresh start, something im sure we all need every now and then. All i have to say is power to her! I hope it achieves everything she wanted it to!
It looks like the reason Jenelle is in jail is all Kieffers fault, rude. He was the one who called the authorities and ratted her out. While Jenelle is going through all this, she needs all the support she can get. Jump on twitter or her facebook and let her know that you're there for her.
 With princess' and rims of course! She is getting so big now too! This was taken when your dada and his mates set it up and let her take a couple of spins some weeks ago. I hope Dad's taught her the basics!
 And she was doing so well! Tonight Jenelle is in jail, suspected to be something to do with her probation (hopefully not something new). Not only that, but its going to cost alot to get her out, 10 000 to be exact! I wonder if the new guy is bothered by this big step backwards?
 I hope you remember Megan from season 2B, (she's probably the nicest girl i know), well she just started her blog! One of her posts was about how MTV changed some of what happened to her during her pregancy. Firstly, Nathan is NOT the dead beat dad or neglective father, they made him out to be. It was because of some inconveniences to MTV that things got changed to get revenge, thats just plain mean! In her conclusion she states that she wont work with MTV again, fair enough if they are going to be like that. http://megan-stone.blogspot.com/
 Looks like jealously is on the cards! Oh ooo. After we see Jenelle post the picture of her and her new guy we see this. Now Kieffer, this is just silly, we are glad you've both moved on to other people, how about you truly move on from each other!
So on getting information for the blog sometimes its a little tricky. All the Teen Mom's are under contract so there isnt alot they can give out, however all i want this blog to just be an update and encourage type thing. But when i talk to the mom's sometimes they come at my requests a little harsh and im not sure what to do. I don't want to be a creep who asks them about there every move! But then i can't be a Heather Clouse either, cause well, i dont exactly know the method to her madness. So guys, you've all be amazing supporters. Let me know what you would do if you were me by commenting :)
Tarah: Tarrah and her husband run the jeweller that produced the highly controversial engagement ring of Heather Clouse. She is a beautiful lady who also offered a few others some beautiful pieces. Find her at @missfawn84
Toni: Just won hilarious and caring supporter of the girls, truely a good follow! @ToniMZ81
(Toni and Tarah are off the vegas with Kail soon, jealous!)
Jennifer: The maker of the cutest necklaces in the world. Tiny little cupcakes! ahh! @LifeAsGiNi
I know they aren't teen moms but they are wonderful girls with hearts of gold.
Oh my goodness. So first Leah and Chelsea work together to tell Nikkole how they feel but now Ashley Salazar has come out and said that,' I've always had Nikkole's back but i told her to chill out about the whole thing. I respect Chelsea, Leah and Nikkole equally'. Im sorry for reporting that she took sides initially, it looks like Ashley is trying to help everyone out.
   Oh oooo. So after all this with Corey and Nikkole it seems Chelsea is standing up for Leah. Leah and Chelsea were also discussing a photo, probably relating to this topic too. UPDATE: Jenelle is also part of the gang! One more and we are set for all the teen mom 2 against Nikkole.
 So we all know Corey and Leah aren't together and since then there was Amber who no one was a fan of but now there is Nikole. Nikole is another teen mom (corey seems to have a thing for them) who was on 16 and pregnant. Her son's name is Lyle and her ex boyfriend Josh had issues with Nikoles mom. Frankly from her episode is looked like she didnt have enough brain cells to do much harm but i was wrong. Corey and Nikole have been tweeting alot and met up with all the girls (Ali and Alleah) in tow. Honestly, it's just plain annoying and inconvenient. cant he just date some nobody!
 Look! Its not Kieffer! yay! Jenelle tweeted that she had a crush that wasn't Kieffer and we all had little parties but then when this photo appeared, well, what can you say. Apparently he's a surfer which is much better then being well, nothing. Fingers crossed this guy is the saving grace for everyone.
 Jo tweeted this picture of Isaac during his time with him this weekend. I gotta say, getting to know Jo a little more is making me realise the amazing dad he is. He honestly treats this boy like a king. Isaac is getting so big and looking so much older. This little boy is going to break so many hearts and make so many girls swoon.
 Some sicko is starting rumours again. A fake profile reported that Chelsea has died in a car accident but then! wait for it, replied to a message after the 'death'. Thats right, Chelsea's ghost is that clever! Poor Chelsea is having a bad enough day as it is not to mention all this. People these days, geeeez
Thank you to all who read this for making it such a success, it has only been around a week and a bit and already nearly 5,000 hits! Just wanted to know what you guys wanna see more of? or how i could make this more like a family of teen mom lovers? Also any ideas for publicity would be excellent. Please comment to let me know how i can make this page even better xx
 Jenelle seems to get alot of publicity for her actions and well... poor choices, but! Mr Jace seems to be climbing her priority list, yay! Im unsure of the state of His custody now but it seems like the bond between Jace and Jenelle is growing. Im very proud of her :)
 Kail has been everywhere recently! La, Texas and now Atlantic City to see her main girl Britney! Kail is one of her biggest fans and got a tour backstage. Hopefully she'll be lucky enough to meet her! Finger crossed for Kail
 Um, Cuteness! Im so excited for Farrah to have a guy in her life, it must be nice considering all the other girls from her season have been or are with someone. And i mean seriously, he's easy on the eye's too! She had an interview with Life & style and basically just made us all melt with the goey things she had to say about him. She also admitted that she introduced Sophia to Dan right away, which seems fair enough considering their bond, Soph had to approve before it got serious!
Check out mr Bentley's youtube channel :) http://www.youtube.com/user/MrBentleyCadence
 Its been a while since we've seen Miss Aubrey on our TV but she is definitely increasing in cute-ness. To me she the exact combination of Chelsea and Adam, which is only ok if her personality is nothing like his. This picture is to show off her cute Tutu, something im sure Chelsea is in love with considering the print. Gotta love the cute little duo of Chelsea and Aub's!
There are so many of you on here right now! yay! Follow me on Twitter @sarahjanegirl :)
 Kail can't seem to escape boys doing her wrong today! She's currently with family in texas but even that distance doesn't seem enough to keep her away from the boys in her life. This time is Jordan who is in trouble. Kail and Jordan are both under contracts so what they can say is limited but its possible with this reaction from Kail, Jordan hasn't exactly stuck to that contract or the one between the to of them, one of trust. Man oh man poor Kail, maybe one day it'll all be peaceful one day.
Ahuh, more arguments. I love both Kail and Jo but they just seem to but heads all the time. This time is started from Kail being a 'player', something i dont really see knowing Kail, she is just trying to do the right thing. However, Jo really does have alot of emotion in relation to what has happened since Isaac has been born so these outbursts aren't ok but are slightly justifiable. Kail then posted this which, after speaking to Jo personally, he denys, 'I never beat Kail...' Whoever's story is right or wrong I love them both and i'm glad they remember the aim of their relationship:
Kianna my dear, truly... She's always been a little different in her turn of phrase but this has taken the cake. I dont want to post this photo cause its not ok people, its just odd really (search her facebook if you really are curious) but lets just say one of her coconuts slipped a little and she, wait for it, voluntarily took a photo. Ahuh, i know, not.cool. It seems like her co-star Megan Stone doesnt approve with her latest tweet: All i gotta say is: Amennnnn Sistaaa!
This isn't about the girls really but i wanted to take a second to clarify how this blog works. Im sure you all know Teen Mom Talk, well its going to be nothing like that. Im all about encouraging the girls and the way their lives are going. Of course its tricky, they have babies and are navigating teen-hood! So there is no reason to be exposing personal issues or controversial topics, its about following the girls to raise awareness and frankly just cause they are beautiful and strong. So i hope you'll all support this page as a different approach to the teen mom series.
Farrah: Farrah needs to be nice, if she sighed or rolled her eyes one more time i would've lost it. I really do want to like her but she has this attitude. Even at her dinner she couldn't take people being nice, ' i'm proud of you Farrah'- her mom, 'yeah, we'll see', um NO! she is proud, that wasn't a question... Anyways Sophia was cute and pretty well behaved, her mom she take some hints...  Amber: Amber seriously has issues bonding with houses, its like she's a house hopper, there is a new one every episode! Amber's mom seems to think everything will just be fine and danny and lollipops, i dont think sooo seeing as she has been in rehab since then. Bless Gary though, what a dad, he really is thinking of Amber while parenting Leah. Leah takes the cute award for todays ep, 'shoes' nearly broke my heart and miss princess, priceless. I do sort of feel for Amber but she just needs to calm down and be herself, stop sharing issues with everyone and have fun.   Cate: Despite Cate and Ty not keeping Carly, they seem to do a fine job of parenting Cate's little brother, Nick. It really seems like life is on track for them, Ty's LOVE for pizza seems incredible while Cate brings MTV publicity to a little jewellery boutique. Ty's mom's overwhelming pride of Ty makes me wish that the whole family was like that, then maybe Carly could still be around. Never the less, Cate and Ty continue being cute and Cate literally throws a cat! (dunno if you saw that :/)   Maci: Miss Maci, oh deary me, what an episode for her. Firstly, she is trying to talk to Ryan while he yawns enough to hyperventilate, a slight problem seeing he's about to have a 2 year old to entertain. I dunno about you but when he spat on the ground while talking to Maci, i was ready to hold her back, what a jerk! However upon seeing he's parents, you can see where he gets it. Apparently, Ryan was 'ripping he's mothers guts out', a very halloween themed visual dont you think. But honestly, of course he doesnt get Bentley much, he's unstable and immature. Finally the party makes you feel all warm and happy for Maci and Kyle while Sharon is being a stella grandmother. All in all, Ryan is just Ryan and Maci is trying to get the most out of time with her son. 